Thursday, September 20, 2012

Run, Baby, Run

You know you've been watching too much Running Man when you spot a Pororo plush in the departmental store and a voice in your head exclaims ''look it's Haroro!''

Also when you subconsciously type Haroro when you meant Pororo in a previous paragraph and only realise it when you reach the end of said paragraph.

Also when you know what i'm talking about.

Look Ma, I'm Invisible!

The upcoming F1 event has brought about a surge in the number of Japanese visiting the comic store. Japanese can be a little strange, they walk into the shop with nary a glance in your direction, and for the entire duration they look everywhere except at you. Then they always walk out looking straight ahead. It's as if you had a glance avoidance shield in place.

If you want to find out what it's like to have powers of invisibility, Absolute Comics is the place to be.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Tide that Comes and Goes

Dreams of everlasting images are precisely these: extrapolations of longing and ultimately empty visions.