Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Honestly people, Honesty.

An exhilarating experience, in which I lost my pretty mobile phone, and got it back the next day by tracking down and going after the person who took it with the help of a cleverly implanted tracking device in the memory card slot.

Well no actually the Nice Person who picked up my pretty mobile phone handed it over to the security personnel of the Cathay, and they called me saying that my phone has been found. Long live the Nice Person, you had just accumulated good karma!

And therefore I decide to make a list of my Pet Peeves. (Which really has nothing to do with the above incident.)

A List of My Pet Peeves:
Peeve No. 1: When people ask me questions while I am brushing my teeth and am therefore unable to answer them due to toothpaste lather in my mouth.

The only time I get an inexplicable to urge to respond to questions is when I am brushing my teeth, and I am annoyed that at the only time that I want to give a response I am prevented from doing so by toothpaste lather, and I therefore get irritated at the person who asked the question. Chances that the other person actually gets what you're saying through the toothpaste lather is supremely slim, so I just feel irritated and keep quiet instead of trying to reply.

Peeve No. 2: When people talk, be it to me or to each other, when I am watching TV.

I get irritated when I cannot hear the TV set. Especially when I'm watching a programme like House, with fast and witty dialogue, and bombastic medical jargon, or Lost, which relies rather heavily on sound and atmospheric effect. Well actually I get irritated too when someone talks during Spongebob Squarepants. Okay I just have a problem with the TV set being drowned out by people's voices. Urgh.

Peeve No. 3: When any part, and by that I mean like the sleeve or handbag or arm or hair, of any random stranger on the street comes into contact with any part of me.

Basically this means that I hate coming into any kind of unintended physical contact with strangers on the street. I think it's probably an extension of my misanthropic tendencies. The other day on the bus the lady beside me kept digging in her bag, and her arm was brushing against mine. I leaned away from her, but her arm just kept touching mine, so I turned my head and looked at her. She didn't show any sign of knowledge that I was looking at her, but the arm brushing did stop. I am MEAN like that grrr. But I am only mean to strangers, so if you're my friend it's okay. BUT it's NOT okay if you're my friend and you speak to me when I am brushing my teeth, or talk when I am watching TV because I will still get pissed.

Peeve No. 4: When I get woken up by noises coming from my room door opening and people walking in, of people talking, the radio or TV, or the telephone ringing etc. Exception of noise from the alarm clock that I set with the intention of being woken up by.

(Urm sidetrack, THERE'S A COCKROACH IN MY BATHROOM!! AAAAAAAAH!!! I just came back from the kitchen, where I was washing my face, and in the midst of washing I thought I saw a moth flying to my left, so I turned to look. But there was no moth, so I stared at the space for a while, and TO MY HORROR THE COCKROACH CRAWLED INTO SIGHT ON THE BATHROOM DOOR. I am freaked out because I had used the toilet about 3 minutes ago, which means that I probably had been enclosed in the small space with the big cockroach for about half a minute. It's a pretty unbearable thought. Once again, attestation that ignorance is bliss. I hope it gets knocked out with one long jet of insecticide, because that is all I managed to spray at it before it crawled out of sight. Illogical fear that it might fly onto me keeps me bay.)

So as I was saying, I do not like being awoken by noise. Who in the right mind does anyway? Oh then again I can't say for sure.

I am pretty sure that's not all of my pet peeves, but I can't think of anymore at the moment.

But anyway, I am majorly thankful to the Nice Person who picked up my pretty mobile phone. Maybe cynicism should be kept to the minimum.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Curiousity Killed Who?

What happens when you get a moment of unexpected clarity of a third-person-kind on the situation that is happening that you are caught in with your friends?

Not unlike an out-of-body experience, you feel the urge to go back into your self that is currently caught in said situation, and pretend that the moment of unexpected clarity never happened, and that you can continue ambling along with the same views you had and be agreeable and all, but no, it does not happen that way. Unexpected moments of clarity are irreversible.

It's unfortunate how people set standards for others based on their own yardsticks. I find myself doing that quite often, especially to my family members. I know, it's pretty sad how restricted the mind can be right? It's unsettling when people try to impose their opinions and experiences on you. (Like what I'm trying to do to you by writing this entry. Bloody hell, there's no such thing as being unbiased is there.)

I was disturbed today when I went out with dt and skippy.

dt: "Ay I bought this Snapple lip balm online, it's disgusting."
And she proceeds to take the lip balm out, which was amusingly designed like a Snapple drink.

dt uncaps it: "Smell it! It smells sweet, but it tastes horrible."
Skippy and I both smell it, and yes it smelled sweet.

dt: "Taste it!"

Skippy did.
"Urgh" and she made a face.

I did.

Me: "It's sweet!"
dt: "Nooo."
Skippy: "No it's not! It's bitter, with a bit of metallic taste!"

"It tasted sweet to me."
"NO it's NOT."

Well okay. I don't know what happened there, but I swear on my life it tasted sweet. And I sure as hell wouldn't have mistaken bitter for sweet.

And then reality went into magnifying glass mode and I was quiet for a while.

And then I came up with the conclusion that it's tiring to be a human brain, and that if there ever is a next life I would not want to become a human brain, because then I'd be subjected to too many different opinions and sayings and beliefs and whatnots that I'd be a very confused brain, and the human I am residing in would be a very confused human.
You see, the thing is, everything they tell you - how do you know everything you hear can be trusted? You want to believe yourself, and believe what you come away with from every different experience. And then there are people, especially when they're more than one, who tell that no, THAT's not it, it's like THIS. And when you insist on believing yourself, then you are minority, and susceptible to doubting yourself, if you'd made the right judgement, that maybe if everybody around you say that it's THIS way, then it must be THIS way, and there must be some mistake you made along the way.

Which is why Procrastibuddy says that she only believes herself.
But what if I'm wrong?
What if the lip balm was really bitter, and the sweetness I tasted was imagined?
And had I tried to impose that on dt and skippy I'd be unreasonable, because they had tasted that bitter taste after all.

Ugh fuck it. Numbers will be my best friends from now on.