Monday, January 15, 2007

There's No Need for Apollo(gies).


You do crazy things.

You go ahead and do crazy things and then you attempt to reason your crazy behaviour with even crazier theories no they're not theories they're lame excuses.

You make excuses excuses excuses they're not even reasons they're excuses excuses excuses to serve as covers, as screens, as absolvents to cover up your blunder in darkness, to shield your mistakes from discriminating stares, to absolve yourself of all blame.

You lie, you cheat, you scream, you insist, you argue, you cry, you shout, you fight, you replay, you ask you ask you just keep asking why how when what what what now what now what you don't reflect you don't reflect you refuse to reflect you refuse to admit you remain unquestioning YOU DON'T REFLECT.

You start a project you think it's interesting you think it's interesting after one day you think it's interesting after one week you think it's interesting after one month but how about after one year your interest doesn't follow through your enthusiasm can fool no one you don't follow through and then you start all over again you and your crazy antics ideas gimmicks with your renewed enthusiasm you hook them in you ensnare them and you drop them.

You drop them. You forget them. You don't need them. You hang on to your existing ties and you come back only when you need them. Why? Why? You and your crazy ideas, your crazy behaviour, your nonsensical rants and your irrational thinking it drives drives drives others up the wall to the end into oblivion. You need to think you always have to think it gets you going you have to find the right path don't find excuses it's pathetic it's Pathetic it's PATHETIC. Get on your feet you have to find it search for it seek it. Be it.